
 Regular and thorough hydration is the key to natural beauty.
Regular and thorough hydration is the key to natural beauty.

For me, skin hydration is the connection between inner and outer care and should definitely not be underestimated. Regular and thorough hydration is the key to natural beauty. 

Beautiful in 15 minutes? No problem!
Beautiful in 15 minutes? No problem!

We all know it - despite our grand plans in the evening for waking up early so as to have time for yoga, a nice breakfast and beautiful makeup, we happily turn off the alarm after the first beep.

That yoga we had planned turns into a sprint to the bathroom, and the nice breakfast becomes a piece of bread from two days ago. Hard and stale. And the makeup? We apply a bit of mascara and face powder somewhere between our trip to work and a morning coffee with a colleague. We don't have to worry about blush – our face is red enough from the hectic morning.

Hypoallergenic peeler Reclar
Hypoallergenic peeler Reclar

Do you sometimes feel that your efforts – correct make-up removal, regular cleansing, application of serums and creams – are not met with perfect results? Your pores are clogged, you’re getting acne, your skin is grey-ish, wrinkles are deepening and the skin is sagging. The reason for this might be ineffective skin cleansing; the products you use cannot penetrate the skin and instead remain only on the surface.

Light therapy: What is blue and red light capable of?
Light therapy: What is blue and red light capable of?

Red and blue light are gaining popularity in both beauty salons and home treatments. LED technology helps in curing acne, limits the effects of inflammation and fights ageing. So how does it work? Here, we put together some interesting information about light therapy!