This webpage uses cookies

We need your consent in order to show the pages with all options and to anonymously evaluate the traffic and use of the site. You can also consent, or set excatly what we can save. Thank you.

Functional cookies
The websie won't work without functional cookies. These are technical data that allow you to remember your shopping cart or login. They contain no information that we process further. That's why these cookies are always enabled.
Statistical cookies
We use statistical cookies to understand customers' behaviour and their shopping habits on the website. The results are important both for us and for you because they help improve the website.
Marketing cookies
Marketing cookies are used for marketing purposes and to display ads. Thanks to them, we can show you an advertisement that is interesting and valuable for you.
What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to your browser and stored on your computer. These files help the site to function properly, to remember the information you enter, and to display relevant advertising.